Violin Camp 12th to 14th December

A reminder that the violin camp will commence daily at 9 am and end at 5pm.

Pupils are to come in their PE attire and bring along their violins, scores and water bottle.

See you there!

Lessons on 6th December (Thurs) are as usual.


Violin Group 3 - 4th Dec class changed to 1 to 2.30 pm

Violin Group 1 - 4th Dec class @ 9 to 10.30 a.m

Primary 2 violin class on 13th December
Changed to 11th December 11.30 am to 1 pm.

Do pass the message around. Enjoy your holidays!

Primary 2 to Primary 3

P2 Violinist who are moving up to P3 in 2008 will be informed of the class timing when school re-opens as there are supplementary (academic, not violin)classes going on.

The days will most probably be either Tuesday or Thursday.

Primary 2 Lessons for the Rest of Term 4

1st November
8th November - No lesson, Deepavali Holiday
15th November

Make-up lessons during the school Holidays
22nd November
29th November
6th December
13th December

Mistake in P2 Violin Schedule

PSLE Oral should be on the 16th August and not the 23rd August.

As such, lesson is as usual on the 23rd August and there will be NO LESSON on the 16th as school is closed for PSLE Oral.

Thank you for your attention and understanding!

Ms Jadyn Lau

Our violinist! Lower primary and upper (below)

SHPS Strings at OLE Tampines 2007!

Violinist practising hard.

Performance at the Mid-Year service.


Please note that there will be no lessons on the 31st May due to the Vesak Day public holiday.

Lessons will run as usual on the following dates:
24th May
7th June
14th June
21st June

Time: 10.30 am to 12 noon

Announcement - Primary 2 Violinist

Lessons will only begin in Term 2.